A Conflict Brews on the Sands of Serenity
Yakuza 3 arrived on the PlayStation®3 in 2010, taking the series to new heights, with refined combat mechanics and a previously unseen visual splendor. Having removed himself from the yakuza entirely, Kazuma Kiryu has settled down to run an orphanage in the quiet beach city of Okinawa. But when both the government and the yakuza set their sights on beachfront property, Kiryu finds that to defend that which he cares most deeply about, sacrifices must be made.
Yakuza 3 marks the first appearance of “play spots” allowing players to take well-deserved breaks to have a little fun, including mini-games such as golf, batting, and karaoke. This was also the first appearance of the “Revelations” system of learning new combat moves, proving the series has just as much heart and humor as it has drama.

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Yakuza 3
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